Everett Michael

The last two months of pregnancy were super tough. I was getting huge, it was hard to drive, back out of parking lots, hard to sleep, hard to shave. Even my sweet daughter had to help me put my pants on! The whole month of July I was so uncomfortable. I carried way out front, very different than with Keira. Seriously, I looked like I was carrying twins! ha ha! We knew he'd big a biggie like his sis. Since big babies run on my hubby's side. I wasn't even gonna try for a VBAC...No Way! I didn't want to risk the baby getting stuck and it turning into an emergency C-Sec.
So okay, let's try to do a long story short, so it's not boring. I was scheduled for my c-section on July 31st. And almost two weeks before that, my doctor tells me she's going to be gone during that week! My heart sunk, I wanted her to cut me open, since she's done it before! Plus, I really love my doctor, she's so awesome. Anyhow, I had been going weekly to have the baby's heart rate, movements and measurements. She told me I could stay with the plan for the 31st and I would have another great doc deliver me. Or I could wait until August 5th (two days before the actual due date). I knew I wouldn't make it until then, at least doubted it. So I had an ultrasound 2 weeks before to be measured and he was estimated already at 8 pounds 8 oz. And I had tons of amniotic fluid in me!!! No wonder I felt I could hardly breath when I would lay down. I had to start sleeping with my head slightly elevated. So the Monday before I was born I had to go to the hospital so they could monitor his heartbeat and movements. I was having some contractions, but I couldn't even feel them. I was very uncomfortable and had some pain. My doc happened to be at the hospital and stopped by and said my amniotic went down a little which is good. I then said to her, if I wait until she's back he's going to be huge! And she said we'll talk about it at your appointment, which was scheduled for that Thursday. She saw how miserable I was. The hospital will only do a c-section at 39 weeks for the earliest. Unless other high risk reasons. The next day I was in so much pain, and he'd already felt like he dropped, but that night it felt like he pushed down into my pelvis. I told my husband that I wanted to to go to the hospital, because I felt like I was having contractions. But he said let's wait a little. I slept terribly that night.
In the morning Taylor's mom, Janna, came over and he went to work. I had told him I wanted to see my OB and so I had called and first said to the receptionist how upset I was that every time I wanted to speak to a nurse I was put on hold forever and never helped. I told her I was in pain and wanted to come in, she hurried and put a nurse on the phone. And they had me go in that morning, the NP monitored me and saw that I was having lots of contractions and said I should go to the hospital. So Janna drove me to the hospital. Along with my little crazy Keira. The nurse monitored me and said that I was definitely having close contractions. She went to consult with my doctor, who was luckily there! And then told me I was going to deliver in two hours! I was sooo excited and nervous. The nurse was very nice and I told her I liked her attitude it helped me not be nervous. Then we called my husband and he was leaving work to come. Janna left with Keira, I asked Keira to kiss my hand. I told her I love her and would miss her. And of course I started crying as I saw her giddily go off with Janna.
I was then moved to my room and hooked up to my IV. When my husband arrived we said a prayer for it all to go well and that I wouldn't be nervous. I ended up having to wait an extra hour, since they were still with another patient. It felt like the longest hour! I had a male nurse who was nice and quite funny. It helps to have people lighten the tense mood. Also the anesthesiologist told me all the details of what he'd be doing when he'd give me the spinal epidural. He was a nice silly older man, and helped me feel at ease about it. So I went to the surgery room and I had the spinal epidural. It was very uncomfortable, and I could still feel some pain, and had to tell him where, so he could give me more. I have a crazy high tolerance, they had to give me extra with Keira too. The great blessing this time was not having to put under general anesthesia, like I had to with Keira. I was awake this time!!! And this time my husband was there next to me holding my hand! Once I could tell they pulled our son out, I heard the doc and other assistants gasp at his size! Ha ha! Which I wasn't surprised! I heard my son's first cry and I started balling. I never dwelled on not getting to hear Keira's first cry. I was just so grateful we were both healthy and alive. And I kept asking outloud, "How big is he?!" over and over. And soon one of the assistants brought him over and held him by my head and said he was 10 pounds 13 ounces. Yikes! Ha ha ha! I started balling even more when I saw his precious face. And my, look at his head of hair. He looks just like I did when I was born, I had tons of hair too!
My huge goal this time was getting to try to breastfeed him right away. I didn't get to with Keira since I was under anesthesia, they already gave her a bottle and she refused to latch and work for the milk from me! So the for the first month, my milk came in pretty well, but by week four I had to start taking the More Milk Plus supplement, that has herbs to help make mre milk. And so now, I've been breastfeeding and supplementing. He's such a big babe that it's hard to keep up with him. But I am grateful that I've been able to still do it. He latches great and is good at switching from me to the bottle back and forth.
This recovery has been so much harder. I'm having extreme lower back pain. From the healing of the incision it's straining my lower lumbar. It's unlike any back pain I've ever had. And the Motrin 800mg my doc gave me doesn't do a thing. I'm constantly using a heating pad. I can't stand or walk for very long. I worry about about how long this back pain will go on. I read that other women had it for months! But I know that my body is still healing, so I don't want to worry so bad. I'm so very blessed, it was worth all the pains I've endured to have my two beautiful children. They're such a gift and I'm so honored to be their mother.
31 Weeks!
37 Weeks! ~ a week and a day before I popped.
2 weeks before he was born!
1 week before he was born
Since my hubby is an avid hunter, I had to find something perfect with a deer for his coming home outfit. And I did, this onsie with a stitched Lil' Buck. Perfect for our Lil' Buck! Looks adorable in his Camo car seat cover.
Almost a week old here in these pictures.
1 comment:
awww !!! so cute and very inspiring post
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